Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

The Armageddon Jihad, by James MacArthur. Dorton

The Armageddon Jihad, by James MacArthur. Dorton

The Armageddon Jihad, By James MacArthur. Dorton. Eventually, you will certainly discover a new journey and also understanding by spending more cash. Yet when? Do you believe that you require to get those all demands when having much money? Why do not you aim to get something straightforward in the beginning? That's something that will lead you to understand even more regarding the world, adventure, some areas, past history, enjoyment, and more? It is your personal time to proceed reading practice. One of the e-books you could enjoy now is The Armageddon Jihad, By James MacArthur. Dorton below.

The Armageddon Jihad, by James MacArthur. Dorton

The Armageddon Jihad, by James MacArthur. Dorton

The Armageddon Jihad, by James MacArthur. Dorton

Free Ebook PDF The Armageddon Jihad, by James MacArthur. Dorton

This novel is fictional but based upon factual documentation. Certain real persons, organizations and true past events are used to evolve plausible future actions and scenarios. Measures used faithfully conform to the tactics and techniques used in the professional modus operandi of global clandestine operations. Fact and fiction woven together; the story is therefore what the author euphemistically terms as "factional". The plot is based upon an actual radio interview of a senior Al Qaeda staff officer with the Al Jazeera news agency circa 2003. This interview was broadcast only once and quickly and mysteriously ceased. Only one transcript copy made its way into US agencies possession. The plot deals with the planning, preparation and execution of a coordinated multiple targets nuclear strike upon several major United States population and economic centers ranging from New York City and San Francisco to New Orleans and Charleston, SC. Real locations are melded with notional actors and organizations. Activity ranges from the caves of the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon throughout the Middle East and into the Orient as well as the streets and locales of several American and European cities. Focus is upon the actions, reactions and counteractions of primarily two opposing central characters as they lead the forces of "Good" (Armageddon) against "Bad" (Jihad). "Good" leader, Franc Ylon Volpe, is a retired professional U.S. Army intelligence colonel who is openly on the staff of a military college in Charleston while also covertly the regional head of a global, extralegal counter-terrorist force. "Bad" leader is a highly complex deep cover Al Qaeda operative who was personally picked at an early age by Osama bin Laden thirty five years before the time. He has been groomed before current day and placed within American culture and commerce as a "Tier One Sleeper Agent". As the plot unfolds and action heats up these two forces are pitted against one another and, finally, the leaders reach boiling point in an unexpected conclusion. The Author served in the United States Army for thirty years as a Military Intelligence officer with specialties in tactical intelligence and reconnaissance operations, Human Intelligence (HUMINT) collection operations, Interrogation Officer, and Counterintelligence/Counterespionage/Counterterror professional. Thereafter, he served over fifteen years opn the staff of The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina. He holds four civilian collegiate degrees as well as being a graduate of the US Naval War College, The Industrial College of the Armed Forces, and a former member of the US Army War College staff where he was instrumental in founding the US Army Peace Keeping Institute. He has lived the background of this novel; even teaching from 1975-1978 at the defense Intelligence School in Washington, DC a course entitled "Terrorism: Theory, History and Practice".

The Armageddon Jihad, by James MacArthur. Dorton

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #923713 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-10-01
  • Released on: 2015-10-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Armageddon Jihad, by James MacArthur. Dorton

The Armageddon Jihad, by James MacArthur. Dorton

Where to Download The Armageddon Jihad, by James MacArthur. Dorton

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Amazon Customer Absolutely LOVED this book!! Was hooked in the first chapter!!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Holy Wake-up Call!! By Jim I thoroughly enjoyed this book and hope that more "Westerners" read it and take it as a wake-up call. Our enemies are well organized, deeply funded as well as fanatically and fiercely obsessed. Dorton successfully portrays this in this compelling novels scenario, as it reminds us that we all need to be more alert. Awesome reading material. I highly recommend it.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. An enlightening and scary read. By eyes wide open veteran I would really recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good thriller and, more Importantly is concerned with the current path we as a nation find ourselves on. The authors intimate knowledge of the terrorist mindset and the settings in which this plot are set is chilling.

See all 5 customer reviews... The Armageddon Jihad, by James MacArthur. Dorton

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The Armageddon Jihad, by James MacArthur. Dorton

The Armageddon Jihad, by James MacArthur. Dorton

The Armageddon Jihad, by James MacArthur. Dorton
The Armageddon Jihad, by James MacArthur. Dorton

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